Everything Health You Need Under One Roof
The future of healthcare is here at Olson Chiropractic in Hobart, IN.
Have you ever known anyone unable to enjoy the beauty of Springtime, because of allergies? People often turn to medicine for themselves and children. Problem solved! Or is it? Are allergies caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body?
Have you ever known someone to suffer from pain, numbness or tingling that travels down their leg, maybe even into their foot? Many people turn to pain relievers. Problem solved. Or is it? Is pain caused by being born with not enough medicine in the body?
Neck pain stiffness
Have you ever known someone to suffer from neck pain and stiffness? Many people turn to pain-relievers. Problem solved! Or is it?
Have you ever known someone to suffer from liver problems? Liver problems are no joke. The liver is a vital organ. Without a healthy liver, a person cannot live.
Have you ever known a child who has been diagnosed with, or is suspected to have ADHD? Let’s kick things off with a quiz. True or false, ADHD and ADD are different conditions? They answer is false.
Chronic Inflammation
Have you known anyone suffering with pain from chronic inflammation? Inflammation can be chronic or acute. Acute inflammation is the body’s normal, good response to help heal a new injury.
Stress Part 2
Have you every know anyone who always seems to feel like a ball of stress? Stress has many symptoms, and causes all types of disease! Including some that my surprise you.
Immune System
Have you ever known anyone who constantly run down or sick? One thing you can be sure of, germs are not to blame.